Download Our Free Advice

- Divorce Tips
- Matters of the Heart and Sexual Relationships
- Myths about sex over 50
- Time for change – Get some free advice!
- 100 top tips from our style coach
- Relationship breakdowns
- Improve your self confidence
- Making interviews fun and improving your chance of success
- Taking on a new role
- Customers want service from people who know what it is
and lots more advice to be downloaded. These files are in PDF format.
Divorce Tips
Are You Letting Myths About Sex After 50 Diminish Your Sex Life?
.. Take my quiz. It’s easy as we get older in the youth obsessed society we live in to believe that sex is for the young and not something we can really enjoy when we are older.
Matters of the heart and sexual relationships
.. We all have questions whatever our age when it comes to matters of the heart and sexual relationships. When we were younger it seemed easier to ask for advice but with the increasing years we believe that as experienced individuals we should know the answers. Of course that isn’t true and we need to get better at asking…
Relationship Breakdowns
.. You may have been in a relationship for a long time and this has come as a shock or you may have been unhappy for a while. You are going to have to start managing life in a differently. In this download I am going to suggest to you an alternative way of thinking that will help you to move forward with strength and courage into your new life.
Improve your self confidence
.. For all of us, something will trigger the feeling of lack of self worth. There may be a tangible set back which can be big or small that treads on our corns so our self confidence gets wobbled or it may be intangible like a feeling we had in our youth or when something went wrong…..
Relationships - How to keep or re-find the spark!
.. I expect you are reading this because you are in a long-term relationship and you are unsure where it is going and if there is anything still there. I wonder if you have you passively put up with this situation or have you discussed it in detail with your husband/wife?…..
How to reduce your stress
You may be someone who spends a lot of your time feeling anxious – or you may be someone who rarely feels stressed but something has triggered it off and you have got in to a spiral…..

Mike Burrows
Mike is a qualified chartered accountant, he retired in 2008 and now spends his time as an independent director and business consultant.
How we adapt our behaviour to deal with the generation gap
We hear a lot about the expectation gap between baby boomers and generations X and Y, but how can we make sure we are effective despite what I call the experience gulf. In this piece I want to set out some ideas ………
Dealing with younger 'experts' who do not necessarily value your experience
.. I recently had to tell someone some bad news about their pet project. They did not accept any of the reasons I gave and in the heated discussion that followed accused me of being unprofessional, condescending and clouded by personal prejudice. Clearly not the outcome I wanted and it did not change the decision but what should I have done differently?
Making interviews fun and improving your chances of success
I had an interview the other day. It was for an unpaid part time role. Unusually for me I rather enjoyed the interview so I started to think about what I need to do to enjoy an interview and increase my chances of success. Download Making interviews fun…
'Taking on a new role and how to make it a success' - Do not forget the obvious
A young person who works in one of the organisations I am involved with asked for some advice. She is taking on a new role and was concerned about what sort of things she should do to make it a success…
Experience helps get 'best value'
‘Getting the best return for money spent’ was how I have described this, cumbersome perhaps but I wanted to avoid clichés like ‘best value’, ‘maximum ROI’, and ‘effective use of resources’. I think experience tells us what this means- spending money wisely – on what we need and in getting a fair price. I also wanted to emphasise that when spending money it is useful to think of it in terms of an investment with a return rather than an outlay that is dissipated. So what are the tips and why does experience matter?…
Customers want service from people who know what it is
As we come out of the recession, hopefully, we know that business will need to be able to deal with customer demands without running out of cash (more businesses usually fail coming out of a recession than fail when we go into one) and, with that demand being very lumpy and unpredictable (as most businesses will want to respond to demand that they are confident about not what they hope will come)…
How Experience Can Help Individuals and Organisations
I want look at where my experience (age) can help individuals and organisations with developing strategy, leading teams, delighting customers, maximising a return on money spent and helping individuals with their own development. This piece looks at strategy…
Starting your own business for the over 50’s - realizing your dream or the sign of hope over experience?
.. First you must ask yourself- do I really want to run my own business? Running your own business is not just about being self employed- your own boss or going freelance. ……
Leading Teams
Many great leaders have been very young- Alexander the Great and the Duke of Wellington come to mind. However, great young leaders always knew that they needed advice from those with experience…
How to Deal with the credit crunch
.. What we have seen of course are the rough times of 74, 82 and 91 with businesses experiencing falling sales, lay offs, customers going bust and falling asset values. This gives us an edge in being able to help businesses, colleagues and ourselves to survive and thrive. Here are ten tips……
Surviving The Recession
We are fully in a recession now and the only matters in doubt are – how bad is it going to be? And how long will it last?…..

Sue Donnelly
Sue is an Image Coach and Personal Brand expert.
100 Top Tips