Keren Smedley | 14th July 2016

feeling positiveHi

I hope you are all doing well and feeling good. I know for many this is quite hard at the minute with all the uncertainty with Brexit, the change in the Prime Minister, the possible changes in the Labour party and the general uncertainty. I know for those of us in the UK this is a bigger event than it is for others living elsewhere but the ripples are far and wide and I think many are feeling uncertain.

The racism that has been unleashed is appalling and sadly makes us aware of how skin deep some people’s feelings and values are.

I’ve written before about negative feelings and how holding onto these doesn’t do us any good. And now more than ever before I believe it is essential we focus on the positives and to do the things that make both you and others feel good. Although most of our circles of influence don’t go as far as the House of Commons we all have an opportunity to influence others and to move towards a positive value based society. Now more than ever before, we need to come together, to support each other and to help each and everyone of us to build a better future.

One way that we can do this is by sharing our thoughts and opinions with others and to try to understand their view point even if we don’t agree. It’s important that we listen and we don’t judge.

I’d also like to invite you to like our Facebook page and to add comments to our postings. Our hope is to grow our community and as we do so to build our circle of influence so we can shape the way forward.

I look forward to hearing for you

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