Susan Macintosh  26th September 2016

For tips and regular newsletter: ‘Feel younger, look and enjoy life more’

New Beginnings

boysLooking forward, I believe that we have the most wonderful  opportunities to reinvent ourselves…. to do things that we have never done before.  To dream and live new lives of adventure.  And life for me, is about having fabulous new adventures and living a life of integrity and authenticity, choosing experiences that reflect who I am as my own unique being.

Back to you.

I’d like you to think about you in a slightly different way.  If you could imagine that within yourself you have three different ages… a younger you, your present you and your future you.

To make changes that reflect the inner you, I would love for you to ask your “older self” who is sitting right there beside you, what it is that your “older self” would suggest that you do? I like to imagine her as someone in her 90’s with a wealth of life experience, sitting right there on the couch beside me.  At times I love to have a conversation with her.  And she’s pretty accurate and rarely holds back!  At any time I have asked her for advice, she has usually said to me…  “go have more fun! Stress less”.   Or words to that effect.

Sometimes we need a new road map going forward though.  Our old road map can be out of date.  Littered with decisions that you wouldn’t want to carry forward. It’s like we can take the same pathway that we have always travelled, or if we think about it, we can choose to take another pathway, make slightly different decisions with the knowledge we have accrued through our lifetime and create a completely new life.  A life which is richer from previous experiences and yet not hampered by those experiences.

Making changes can feel daunting though.  They can be beyond our comfort level so, where to begin?

The answer can often be found in the questions you ask yourself. After all, you are the guru of your own life. And this is your life, no one else’s…

Questions that I might ask myself at any time, may include the following;

  • What kind of person do I want to be in the future?
  • What sort of life do I want to live in the future?
  • How exactly does that life look?
  • In the past have I let fear or uncertainty hold me back? If so, how can I change that much that I can live a bolder, richer life in my future?
  • What has my heart been whispering to me that I haven’t listened to until now?
  • I have had some amazing life experiences that I would love to share with others to help them to create more meaningful lives.. to perhaps help others. How can I best do that?
  • What do I want to do, other than work?
  • What would I love to do that I have never dared to do?
  • Where do I want to travel, live, be, that I have never experienced before?
  • Who can help me to do this?
  • Who else would benefit from my doing this?
  • When am I going to start?

Questions really are the answers.
I wish you every success on your new journey. And would love to hear about your new adventures and travels. Perhaps you will drop by and visit with me sometime and let me know?

Experience Matters BlogIf this blog has raised some issues for you, you may want to talk to one of our life coaches. Please contact us: [email protected]

For tips and regular newsletter: ‘Feel younger, look and enjoy life more’

PS please share this if you think that it might help someone else.

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