Keren Smedley  31st October 2016

imagesA phrase I hear regularly from my clients is, ‘I’m too old ….’ to do this or that.  We tell ourselves this sometimes a 100 times a day and wonder why we feel low and lacking in energy and drive. Our brains listen to us and we say, ‘well if that’s true, what’s the point of bothering.’ As you can see messages like this will only get you to a place you don’t want to be.

Throughout our lives, we will at times take stock of where we are and where we’re going. Coming up to 50 and then 60 are milestones for reflection and assessment. We’re assailed by all sorts of questions.

We ask ourselves, ‘What have I done with my life so far?’ and ‘What am I doing with my life now?’ and, ‘How many different roles do I play? I’m worker, partner, parent, carer, volunteer. Are these the roles I want to go on playing?’  Finally, ‘How will these roles change over the next few years and how am I going to shape my future?’

Many of us spent a lot of time when we were in our 30s and 40s running to keep up. For women, ten, twenty years on, one of the great pluses about our lives now is that many of us who took a career break are back in the workplace, the equal of our male colleagues. The downside is that too often we’re still the ones keeping an eye on the children, managing the house and caring for elderly relatives. The recurrent dilemma seems to be how do we juggle the conflicting demands of our lives now without being overwhelmed by everyone else’s demands.

If you find yourself feeling like this, pick up the phone or send an email to me and together we can change this feeling and you’ll be feeling young again

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